The IN Group announces charity partnership with Rainbow Trust
We’re very proud to name Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity as our charity partner for 2023. Trust provides emotional and practical support to families who have a child with a life-threatening or terminal illness.
Not just one, he got the lot
Having been in many leadership roles though sport and at work I felt that my EQ was reasonable, and I seemed able to connect and emotionally support people rather well. So, it was disconcerting not to be able to support my eldest son in quite the same manner.
Talent solutions that unlock the power of people
How do your people impact your growth strategy? How can you attract the best talent versus the competition with your employer branding…
Powered Up: Beware the ‘P’ word
A word beginning with P has caused a lot of consternation over the last year or so. No, it’s not ‘pandemic,’ ‘penalties,’ or ‘patriarchy.’
Latest Trends in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Our DEI committee is key in helping us to provide an inclusive environment for everyone, whether they’re staff, partners, clients or candidates.
Spaces within spaces – discussing International Day
The roundtable gave our panel the chance to highlight some of their own personal experiences of homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia.
Diversity and Relativity – the journey to self-awareness
we conducted a survey with our staff to increase our understanding of our business’s makeup. Called “Identifying Who We Are,”
Don’t put your foot in it – How to talk about disability
People who use wheelchairs ‘go for walks.’ People with visual impairments may say they are pleased to ‘see you.’
LifeBeat – Managing mental health in young people
Authentic. That’s the first word that comes to mind as Lucy Sicks, founder of LIFEbeat, introduces herself to our People & Culture team and Wellbeing committee.
The importance of encouraging creativity in young people
In the sixties, realising the importance of creative thinking amongst their space programme engineers and scientists, NASA worked with scientist George Land to devise a creativity