written by Alex Voskou, Content Specialist at The IN Group.

Today we formally launched The IN Group to tackle one of the biggest issues facing every organisation. It’s a perennial challenge for business but one that has intensified in the last two years. We’re talking about talent.

How do your people impact your growth strategy? How can you attract the best talent versus the competition with your employer branding and talent acquisition strategy? What makes a leader who is happy where they are consider leaving to join you? And what are the pros and cons of hiring permanent staff versus bringing in interim experts? The questions abound … and they’re just the basics.

Happily, The IN Group might just have the answer.

Welcome to The IN Group – the people who know what makes people tick

TIG, as we call the group internally, offers bespoke, end-to-end talent solutions that work seamlessly together across four brands. Grown from our award-winning recruitment brand Investigo, with 21 specialisms and a global reach, we established our executive search and interim management firm, InX (who you might know as Investigo Executive before they rebranded). InX finds leaders to accelerate your business’s growth and builds the teams those leaders need to deliver success. When technological change is on your agenda and transformation demands experts to deliver change, Definia have you covered. To make sure your employer brand and talent acquisition strategy become the engine that drives your business success, there’s Caraffi – our data driven talent acquisition specialists.

Not sure where to start?

Whatever the talent challenges you’re facing, our mission for The IN Group is to make sure you get the best advice, based on exactly what you need, when you need it, and the way you need it.

If you don’t know which part of your talent challenge to tackle first, no problem; we’ll work it out and devise a roadmap together. Our people have years of experience in their various specialist areas, so even if it’s unclear where to begin, we will work it out with you. Every business is different and in a different cycle of change, so the starting point will depend on where you are as an organisation. That’s not something you can work out with a prescriptive formula.

TIG is big but not that big …

Although technically we are a global talent group, we don’t feel like one. This is because we work in boutique specialist teams, where everyone is focussed on a market or sector and connecting to the finest talent within it. Working this way means we can concentrate on building long-term relationships with clients and potential candidates who get each other – because they’re each other’s people. With TIG, it’s a circle of trusted partners all working together towards the same end goal.

How trusted partners work together

Whether you’re a client or a candidate, we listen to you and seek to understand you. We are honest – even when that’s not comfortable – because we’re partners. We hope that the length of time we’ve worked with some of our clients shows that we care about building relationships and place a lot on keeping our word, because partners have each other’s backs. That is a relationship to us.

Values first – people come before profit

There is huge ambition in the group, but we’ve never put profit before people, or sacrificed our values for growth – and we’ve grown significantly. Our values are bought to life every day through our people. Come as you are, be honest, and don’t follow the crowd – be authentic, get creative, and be empowered. This means everyone can be real. Perfectly imperfect and unashamedly human, with TIG there are no veneers. Just a mission, passion, and commitment to unlocking the power of people.

Are you IN?

Are you creative, seriously ambitious and looking to be empowered in your own authentic way? We’re growing all the time and have openings across all our businesses. If we sound like your kind of people, get in touch and let’s talk about how we can help each other out.

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