Last month [November 2023] saw The IN Group host the third Executive Exchange roundtable in London, this time focusing on how businesses could realise the potential of generative AI.  

Did our group view generative AI in the way that ChatGPT views itself ‘cutting-edge technology, capable of creating new content, simulating scenarios, and driving decision making processes’, or did they see the challenges of governance, abuse and bias outweighing the possible benefits? And, what practical steps they taken in the adoption of Gen AI? 

Read the full event write up here.  

Following the incredible insights shared by host Justin Tan, Founder of Evolutio Consulting, the team wanted to host a webinar for everyone interested in Generative AI. 

Exploring emerging and high value Generative AI use cases across industries and discussing a roadmap for integrating Generative AI into organisations, watch the full webinar recording below hosted by Justin Tan and The IN Group’s Joe Siantonas and Natalie Whittlesey

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