73% of executives say their organisation is prioritising sustainability as part of their technology strategy, according to our UNLOCKED: Tech and the Boardroom report.

Organisations in the US were particularly concerned about this issue, with 82% of executives identifying sustainability as a priority,  compared to 76% in the UK and 74% in Germany. Executives are also curious to expand their knowledge in this area, with 32% saying they would like to learn more about technology’s role in environment and sustainability strategies in the future.

What’s driving sustainability’s increasing importance in the boardroom? How does tech play a key role in achieving sustainability targets? How can business leaders ensure more environmentally and socially responsible business practices?

Find out more in Sustainable Futures, part 4 of our UNLOCKED: Tech and the Boardroom report, which explores the challenges facing today’s business leaders in tech and non-tech roles across the UK, US, Germany and Netherlands.

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