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Challenging the misconceptions in change management
At The IN Group, we believe that change is not just inevitable, something we have to adapt to, but an incredible positive that propels organisations towards new heights.
The IN Group – IN The News: Monday 26th February
February saw Natalie Whittlesey, C-suite engagement director, give her advice on how women in tech can enter leadership roles, and Derek Mackenzie, CEO of Investigo, commenting on the rise of trading bots and the slowing of wage increases in the UK. Take a look at our latest press coverage below:
UNLOCKED: Talent Insights 2024
Our report UNLOCKED: Talent Insights 2024 focuses on all things working culture and purpose, featuring articles on How charity strategies galvanise workplace culture, Sustainability as a purpose…
Six steps to CIO: reflecting on InX’s roundtable with Next CIO
That final step up to the boardroom is often the most difficult to take. The higher you get in an organisation, the fewer roles there are and the fiercer the competition. With boards increasingly looking to their technology leaders to take the business forward in a tough business environment, the leap from tech leader to…
The IN Group – IN The News: Monday 22nd January
Over the last month, Matt Smith, MD of technology, transformation and CIO practices, outlined his roadmap for CIOs in 2023, Investigo CEO Derek McKenzie was asked to comment in several publications on the current business environment, and Rich Lewis-Jones, founder of Sigma Labs, discussed England’s rise in the global education rankings. Take a look at…
Harnessing Generative AI: Exploring Business Use Cases and Blueprints for Implementation
The IN Group host the third Executive Exchange roundtable in London, this time focusing on how businesses could realise the potential of generative AI.